This year, our class names at Blenheim are based on capital cities around the world.
Year 6 Rome Class is taught by Miss Byrne, Mrs Lynch and Miss Ellen.
Year 6 Paris Class is taught by Miss O'Reilly and Miss Charles
Mrs Marshall also teaches across both Year 6 classes.
2024-25 Curriculum
You can read about our learning this year here..
We are continuing with our very successful reading curriculum which was launched last year and we have a whole new range of exciting books for Y5 and 6 to uncover in 2024-25. The children will continue to have 3 reading lessons every week, where they will practise their comprehension skills in discussion-rich lessons. Over the course of the year, they will be studying a wide, diverse range of fiction, poetry and non-fiction texts, exposing them to a huge range of authors, genres and writing styles and helping to build their contextual knowledge. Most importantly, we hope to foster a real enthusiasm and passion for reading, building habits that can last a lifetime!
It is vitally important that your child reads at home as well as at school.
The expectations are that your child reads AT LEAST 4 times a week at home. Reading books can be handed in on any day to be changed, but they MUST be handed in on a MONDAY, along with their reading records, signed by a parent.
We would really appreciate your support by encouraging your child to read regularly at home; it is one of the best ways to improve their academic performance across the whole curriculum.
HOMEWORK is an extremely important part of your child’s learning and specifically in Year 6, as it prepares them for the expectations of High School.
Homework is given out every Friday and MUST be returned to school NO LATER than the following WEDNESDAY.
The homework will be a Learning Log task based on the termly topic, as well as a piece of work for both Maths and Literacy.
Along with their homework every Friday, children will also be given a list of spellings to learn and a times table sheet to help them practise.
Times tables will be tested the following WEDNESDAY. Spellings will be tested on an ongoing basis during our regular spelling sessions.
PE will be on
PE Kit
Your child will need:
A plain T-shirt or polo shirt
Sports shorts, tracksuit bottoms or plain leggings
Sweatshirt, hoodie or tracksuit top
Trainers suitable for outdoors
Water Bottles
Please ensure all children bring a water bottle to school as having a drink when thirsty is vital for health and learning, whatever the time of year.
Healthy School
Please remember that we are a HEALTHY SCHOOL and therefore children should not be bringing in unhealthy snacks such as chocolate, cake or sweets even for birthday treats. Only healthy treats thank you (without nuts).
We look forward to sharing this exciting year with your child, and we will try our best to make their last year of primary school a very memorable and successful one!
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need any support.
Miss Byrne and Miss O'Reilly