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Welcome to Year 1

We would like to welcome you to Year 1 at Blenheim Primary School. We are thrilled with how well the children have already settled into this school year. We will work incredibly hard to  support your children to develop, learn and grow and we value all the support that you also give them at home.

If you have any queries about your child in Year 1, please speak to us at the end of the school day and we will always do our very best to help.

Miss Cameron & Miss Emmerson


This year, our class names at Blenheim are names of capital cities

Edinburgh Class (Y1SC) is taught by - 

Miss Cameron and Miss Gill 


London (Y1SE) is taught by - 

Miss Emmerson, Miss Campbell and Mr Latif                                                                                                                                   

Mrs Wallace (HLTA) also teaches both Year 1 classes


Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland.

It has many famous landmarks such as Edinburgh Castle, Arthur's Seat and Holyrood Palace.

  • Edinburgh Castle is 900 years old and the Scottish Crown Jewels are kept here.
  • Arthur's Seat is an extinct volcano. If you climb to the top you can see across Edinburgh.
  • Holyrood Palace is the official home of King Charles, when he is Scotland.




London is the capital city of England.

It has many famous landmarks such as Buckingham Palace, The Palace of Westminster and The London Eye.

  • Buckingham Palace is the official home of King Charles.
  • The Palace of Westminster is also known as The Houses of Parliament. It has a clock tower and the bell inside the clock tower is called Big Ben. 
  • The London Eye is 135 metres tall. It has 32 pods around it. People go in the pods to see views of London, as the wheel goes around. 



 Our Curriculum

Year 1 will be learning lots of exciting things this year. See below for this year's Long Term Plan.

Year 1 Long Term Plan

Autumn Term

Geography - Where we live

History - Me, myself and I

Science -  Seasons

PSHE - Physical health and wellbeing

PE - Basic Skills and Handball

Computing - Programming 1 - All about instructions (Algorithms) & Online Safety

Music - Pulse and Rhythm - All about me

ART - Drawing and Painting

DT - Mechanisms - moving cards

RE - Why are stories important?


Please look at the 'Home school link' document below for details of what we are learning this half term.
Home School Link Autumn 1


Children learn to read by learning the sounds letters make. First they learn the single letter sounds, then they learn the sounds made by 2 or 3 letters together. If you or your child want help to know what the sounds in English are, you can watch the videos below to practise them. Your child will love sharing their knowledge of phonics with you.

Read Write Inc phase 1 sounds

Read Write Inc phase 2 and phase 3 sounds


Children make the most progress when learning to read, if they read everyday.

It is important children become fluent readers as this helps them access all aspects of the curriculum. When you read with your child at home, listen to them say the sounds in the words (segmenting) and then blend them to read the word. Ask them questions about what they are reading. Listed below are some questions you can ask your child, to help their understanding. 

  • What do you think the book will be about?
  • Is it a story or an information book (a non-fiction book)
  • What is happening in the story?
  • What do you think will happen next?
  • How do you think they feel now?
  • Why do you think that happened?
  • Can you tell me one fact that you have learned from this information book?
  • Would you like to read this again? Why?
  • What did you like best about this book?

You can also help them by explaining what new words mean. If you are unsure of the meaning of some words, you can write them in your child's reading record and we will be happy to explain them to you. We will change your child's reading book as soon as you return it to school, if you sign their reading record, so we know they have read it with you. If you read other books to your children, (including books in your first language) this will help them develop a love of reading and expand their vocabulary. 


Your child will bring home Maths homework on a Friday. This will be work that is similar to the work we've already done in class that week. They may need a little help so they know what to do, but they should be able to complete it independently.

The children bring home their learning log books on a Friday. This will have a challenge in it for them to do, that they may need a little help with. It will support the learning we are doing in class. Please return the learning log book to school on a Wednesday. 


Below is a list of tricky words children need to be able to spell by the end of Year 1. 

Year 1 Common exception words


It is very important that we know our number bonds to 10 and 20 and our 2, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of Year 1. Here is a game that can help us learn this and we love playing it in class. 

Other Notices:

Indoor Shoes

We ask all children to bring in a change of shoes to wear inside.

This helps to keep the classroom tidy. It is especially important now that the weather is changing! The children have a labelled shoe space just for them.

Our P.E. days:

Edinburgh Class:
Monday and Friday

London Class:

Monday and Friday

Please ensure that your child brings their P.E. kit in their bag. This can be left in school on their peg.

Our P.E. kit is:

A T-shirt (red if possible), a pair of shorts and a pair of school pumps or trainers.
