School Improvement Plan
Blenheim Primary School Improvement Plan 2024-25
Leadership and Management
- Monitor the impact of Instructional Coaching’s ability to improve the quality of teaching and modify as appropriate.
- Continue to review staff workload through working parties to ensure a reasonable work-life balance for all.
- Facilitate the development of career plans to encourage individual ownership of professional development.
- Introduce interventions in core subjects across all classes to ensure all children are achieving their full potential.
The Quality of Education
- Review the teaching of reading to ensure it delivers improvements in reading progress.
- Roll out the new science curriculum and monitor it to ensure there is an appropriate, sequenced, balanced, coherent, relevant and rigorous programme of study adapted to the school’s diverse needs.
- Continue to improve outcomes in the foundation curriculum through subject leadership monitoring of planning, work scrutiny and learning outcomes. Use feedback and CPD to effect change.
Behaviour and Attitudes
- Ensure the small number of cases of low-level disruption are dealt with and do not affect teaching and learning.
- To particularly focus on severely and persistently absent families to improve their attendance.
Personal Development
- Continue to develop the mental health strategy for staff. Also ensure that mental health and resilience is addressed fully in the curriculum and that children’s individual needs are met.
Other Areas of Focus as part of the 3 year plan:
Leadership and Management
Continue to ensure that provision is value for money and of a high standard so that children receive a fully rounded education and are supported to achieve the best possible outcomes. Governance to continue to have a high focus – developing school accountability and governor involvement.
The Quality of Education
Ensure that all children, including vulnerable groups and high achievers, achieve outstanding results across the curriculum. For teaching to be consistently outstanding. Monitor the curriculum to ensure that what we intend is implemented and has the desired impact.
Behaviour and Attitudes
Continue to focus on intrinsic motivation and self regulation of good behaviour inside and outside the classroom. Strive for excellent attendance.Personal Development
High focus on Character Education and PSHE/SMSC education going forward. Monitor and evaluate provision and progress.