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Keeping Your Child Safe Online

Understanding what your child is doing online helps keep them safe online.

Keeping your child safe online

At Blenheim Primary School, we want staff, children, parents and carers to create a school community that embraces the use of new technologies to enhance learning and thinking, as well as teach all of the children how to keep themselves safe. All adults in school ensure that pupils know how to report incidents and problems confidently and straight away.

At home, many children also use computers and mobile devices to play games, learn and explore. While there are huge benefits to this, it is important to be aware that any time they use the Internet, they do face some potential risks,

... such as:

  • cyberbullying (bullying that happens online, using social networks, games and mobile phones)
  • coming across inappropriate content that makes them feel uncomfortable or worried
  • ‘friending’ or communicating with people they don’t know
  • grooming and sexual abuse
  • sharing personal information

You can find out more about these risks from the NSPCC and Internet Matters.

Age Restrictions

There are some websites and games that have age restrictions and checks on them to make sure that children do not see unsuitable content. The same goes for social media networks.

It is our expectation that children at Blenheim Primary do not have their own social media accounts. This is because children must be at least 13 to register on most social networking websites. However, the reality is there's not a lot standing in the way of children joining at a younger age so it is vital as parents and carers that you really take an interest in your child’s online behaviour and have a good overview of how they use their computer or mobile device to ensure they are only accessing content that is appropriate for their age.

Keep Talking

When it comes to using the Internet, the best thing you can do as a parent or carer is to talk with your children – regularly - about staying safe.

Make talking about what they’re up to online, a normal part of everyday life rather than something that only happens when there’s a problem or issue. Ensuring that they are using the Internet with family members around and not in isolation also helps to create that conversation.

For information on protecting your children online from extremism, please click here 


Below are some information and links that you might find helpful in terms of keeping your child safe online:

NSPCC Netaware
Your guide to the social networks your children might want to
use and their age restrictions and risks.

Think U Know
Advice on protecting your child from abuse online and also ways to report it.

How to start the conversation with your child about staying safe online.