Religious Education (RE)
At Blenheim, we are very proud of our multicultural and diverse school. Our school promotes tolerance and respect for all religious beliefs, faiths and values throughout the curriculum and especially within RE. Children are able to engage and discuss their own beliefs, morals and values within lessons in a respectful environment. Religious Education encourages them to reflect on important moral questions and helps them to develop respect for and understanding of the views of others. Lessons may include reference to all faiths at any stage, however the core religions will be studied in depth - Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Non-religious world views and Sikhism. RE plays an important role in preparing our children for their future, for employment and lifelong learning and it enhances their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Religious Education at Blenheim Primary School
Religious Education at Blenheim Primary School reflects three key areas:
Firstly, it will include a study of the key beliefs and practices of religions and other world views, including those represented in Leeds (Religious Studies).
Secondly, it will provide opportunities to explore how religions and other world views address questions of meaning, purpose and value, often called ‘ultimate’ questions (Philosophy).
Thirdly, it will enable pupils to investigate how beliefs affect moral decisions and identity, exploring both diversity and shared human values (Ethics).
Religious Education makes an important contribution to the school’s duty to promote community cohesion. We will aim to challenge stereotypes through the RE curriculum in all key stages.
The long term plan for our school is linked below: