In the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, we teach phonics (the sounds of English) through the 'Read, Write, Inc' phonics programme.
Our children learn the sounds of English to enable them to decode (read) and encode (write) English.
Phonics lessons are taught to all children in Nursery through to Year 1 and include fun, focused activities that develop skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Children in Year 2 also access the lessons, if they still need this teaching to develop their reading skills or if they did not reach the expected standard of the Phonics Screening Check. Children from all year groups are also included in phonics lessons if required. This is usually due to them being new to speaking English or having Special Educational Needs.
In June, children in Year 1 take the Government's Phonics Screening Check. Year 2 children also take the test, if they did not reach the expected standard when they took the test in Year 1.
Each year, we hold a workshop for parents to inform them about the phonics in school and the Phonics Screening Check. To find out more information about the Phonics Screening Check, please click here. If you would like help with how the sounds are pronounced in English, please watch the video below
You can help your child practise the sounds taught through the RWI phonics program using the videos below. Some sounds are single letters, others have two letters that make the sound (digraphs) and some sounds have three letters (trigraphs).
In order to help your child, the most important thing that you can do is to read with your child every day. Your child can practise reading and blending phonic sounds, while playing some fun games here.
If your child needs help with phonics whilst writing at home or doing homework you can download and print the speed sounds charts here
You can find the link to the past papers issued by the Department for Education here: