Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
Our curriculum is based on our mission statement: 'Aiming High in the Heart of the City.'
Curriculum Intent
We offer rich and vibrant opportunities which draw upon meaningful real-life experiences. The curriculum is designed so that it is ambitious for all learners. Knowledge, skills and concepts are clearly outlined in an age-appropriate and progressive way from Y1-Y6 so that the children’s understanding is extended, year upon year.
Curriculum Implementation
Skills and knowledge are taught discretely in subject areas, so that our children gain a broad understanding of each subject and know when they are learning about science or history for example.
English Work includes: oracy (speaking and listening); writing (across the curriculum) and reading (one to one daily reading sessions and skills taught explicitly dedicated reading lessons). Maths is bespoke to the school; we have designed our own maths scheme based on the national curriculum which has a proven track record of success for all.
Educational visits and visitors are a key feature of the curriculum; the school subsidises a range of these to enrich the curriculum for all. Recently these have included:
Planetarium in school; Visit to the Chinese Supermarket; Cannon Hall Farm ; Eureka Visit; Manchester Sea life Centre; Princess and the Sprout Performance and Workshop with Wrong Assemble; Yorkshire Arboretum; Titanic Workshop; Artforms (African Drums); Visit to Leeds Town Hall to watch Early Man; Workshop on Fossils as part of the University of Leeds Science Festival; Caveman Day- Man came into teach children about Early man; DT Day with Steph O’Connell making Canopic Jars; Greek Day- Man coming in to teach about Greeks; Gino D’Campo Pizza Making Visit; Visit to the Arts University of Leeds for Mosaics; Science Workshop as part of the University of Leeds Science Festival; Artforms (Ukelele/ Chime Bars); Firefighters came into to talk about fire safety; Leeds Visit (Writing Experience); Visit to All-Souls Church to learn about the Nativity; Cinema and Goals Visit; Residential Visit; Drama Workshop about Air Quality and Safe and Sustainable Travel; Police came into to talk children about cyberbullying; Minecraft Literacy in Association with Leeds Library; DT Day with Steph O’Connell making electronic wobblers; Drug Workshop WYP; Artforms (Steel Pans); Visit to All-Souls Church to learn about the Nativity; Drama Workshop about Air Quality and Safe and Sustainable Travel; Police talk to children about cyberbullying.
Curriculum Impact
At Blenheim we strive for all pupils to achieve their maximum potential, by having high expectations and excellent standards. We achieve excellent results in terms of academic success. Our children make rapid progress from Foundation Stage and, by the end of Key Stage Two, do extremely well when compared with national and local results. Our stimulating curriculum teaches core skills in English, maths and science whilst actively promoting all other curriculum areas. It is reassuring for parents to know that we have a proven track record of supporting children successfully to meet their full potential across the curriculum.
Our children enjoy lessons and we believe this early love of learning stimulates children to become life-long learners.
Our work on promoting social skills including good manners, resilience, self-awareness, consideration and cooperation throughout the curriculum enables most children to become fantastic role models and the very best version of themselves.
Monitoring Impact of the curriculum:
At Blenheim children are assessed every lesson which helps the teacher plan the next steps to be taught. At the end of each term (and each half term for English and maths) assessment data is gathered and progress is checked by the senior leadership team. Children are expected to make better than good progress in all subjects and this individual progress is tracked and reported to parents and carers at parents evening and on the end of year report.